About me:
54 year old Female from Manchester, United Kingdom
Travel and wanderlust are in our blood. Our community inspires us to travel and make friends anywhere we go.
In the recent past, we have hosted a student from Botswana for 3 summers, and it has been a very enjoyable, rewarding experience for everyone in our family. We have truly made international friends.
We had such a good fit with the student who came to us our 2nd summer, that she returned to us twice more, and then her brother this last winter!
This experience has motivated our youngest to study foreign languages so she can go visit this family in Africa. I highly recommend this online hub.
This winter we'll be hosting another international friend from Eswatini. He's coming to the UK on a visitor visa, thanks to our invitation letter that got accepted.
Yearning to travel to Africa, India, South America in the coming years to learn even more about these cultures.
Much love :)