About me:
58 year old Female from Helsinki, Finland
Hei ystävä,
"On totta, että ihmiskunta on nähnyt peräkkäin kriisejä, sotia ja julmuuksia, mutta tämän kielteisen puolen kompensoi teknologian ja kulttuurivaihdon kehitys."
I have 4 children, three biological daughters and a sweet prince from Ghana! The awesome prince spent 9 months with us after he graduated from the university.
What an amazing adventure! Prince Danso from Accra learned about Finnish culture and we also learned about Africa, and specifically Ghana.
He went back home 3 month ago and to this day we are still family! He has graduated and now is a navigator in the Ghanaian Navy.
I'll forever be a huge proponent of visitor exchanges, student exchanges, cultural exchanges, university exchanges. Our family talk a lot about public diplomacy, .. It's extremely important that we get our message out, but it's also the case that we should not have a monologue with other people.
There has to be a conversation, and you can't do that without exchanges and openness.
Honest is treasured. Must have Skype or Google Meet.